Collect the highest value set of matching relics! Players start the game with 200 points and play multiple rounds.
At the end of each round, the player who has collected the highest value set (all four cards) of relics is the round winner.
The cards each losing player finishes with determines how many of their points they give to the winner of that round.
The first player to reach 400 points is the overall winner.
- Combine all of the relic and thief cards and shuffle them.
- Distribute 7 cards to each player, face down.
- The remaining cards are placed face down to form the discovery deck.
- The top card of the discovery deck is placed next to it face up, forming the forage deck.
- Players take and inspect their cards. Play begins to the left of the dealer in a clockwise direction.

The active player must either discover or forage for a card on their turn. They may not pass.
- To discover: discard any card from your hand on top of the forage deck, face up. Then take the top card from the discovery deck and it add to your hand.
- To forage: you may take the top card from the forage deck by showing everyone a card in your hand that is a value one above or one below (but not equal to) the value of the top card (if the forage deck is empty, replenish it with the top discovery deck card). For example, you could forage for a 9 if you held either an 8 or a 10.
Any player may try to steal the next player's turn by placing a thief card from their hand face down in front of them and announcing 'Steal!' after the active player finishes their turn.
Gameplay is temporarily paused whilst other players decide if they also want to try to steal the next player's turn by playing their own thief card in the same way.
If the next player doesn't play a thief card of their own, they will lose their turn to whoever plays the best thief card.
Once all participating players have placed their thief cards face down in front them, flip the thief cards over to determine who will steal the next player's turn.
> If only one thief is played, they automatically win the turn.
> Otherwise, the highest class of thief shown (given by the number on the corner of the thief card) wins the turn.
> If multiple thieves are shown with an equally high class, the thief amongst them with the most money bags is the winner.
The owner of the best thief card takes the next player's turn, skipping them in the process. (or, if the next player had the best thief card, they continue with their turn as per normal).
All thief cards used in a steal attempt (regardless of outcome) are discarded and not used for the rest of the round.
Once the next player's turn has been taken, play continues as normal to the next subsequent player. Thus, successfully stealing an adjacent player's turn will result in a player having two consecutive turns.
Winning and Scoring
The round ends once the last card is taken from the discovery deck. The player who holds the highest value set (all four cards) of relics is the winner of the round - thief cards do not count. If nobody holds a set of four relics, whoever holds the highest value set of three relics is the winner.
Each losing player gives some of their points to the winner - calculated as the sum of the unique values of all the cards (both relics and thieves) they finished with.

Continue playing additional rounds until a player reaches 400 points (you can adjust this number up or down to extend or reduce the game play time)